DfI/2019-0347: EIR Request for information relating to non-payment of ticket fares and fines issued on the Glider service

Date published: 09 June 2020

DfI/2019-0347: EIR Request for information relating to non-payment of ticket fares and fines issued on the Glider service. Specifically:

Could I be provided with the following information please?

1) The number of fines issued due to non-payment of ticket fares on the glider service G1 (West to East) from 03/09/18 - 03/09/19 and of those fines issued how many were issued in West Belfast and how many were issued in East Belfast?

2) The number of fines issued due to non-payment of ticket fares on the glider service G1 (West to East) from 04/09/19 to present and of those fines issued how many were issued in West Belfast and how many were issued in East Belfast?

3) The number of fines issued due to non-payment of ticket fares on the glider service G2 (City Centre to Titanic Quarter) from 03/09/18 - 03/09/19 and of those fines issued how many were issued in City Centre and how many were issued in Titanic Quarter?

4) The number of fines issued due to non-payment of ticket fares on the glider service G2 (City Centre to Titanic Quarter) from 04/09/19 to present and of those fines issued how many were issued in City Centre and how many were issued in Titanic Quarter?

5) The structure of fines for example how is the fine amount determined?

6) The average amount of a fine issued in West Belfast G1, East Belfast G1 and City Centre G2 and Titanic Quarter G2.

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