DfI/2019-0324: EIR Request for information about NI Water’s plans for an abstraction point and pumping station on the River Faughan

Date published: 21 April 2020

DfI/2019-0324: EIR Request for information about NI Water’s plans for an abstraction point and pumping station on the River Faughan. Specifically:

I have writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to seek information regarding the Water Service's plans for their abstraction point and associated pumping station at Cloghole on the river Faughan.

Specifically can you provide:

  • any information you hold regarding potential plans to relocate this facility upstream of the super-dump, discovered at Mubuoy;
  • any notes of meetings or discussion either internal or with external bodies;
  • any feasibility or scoping studies relating to this possible relocation;
  • any information regarding consultations with outside agencies, including statutory consultees;
  • any information you hold on any possible rationale for this relocation;
  • any information on existing contaminants affecting the water from this dump; and
  • any projections for future potential contamination from this dump.
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