DfI/2019-0306: EIR Request for information on Private Finance Initiative contracts let by the Department

Date published: 20 April 2020

DfI/2019-0306: EIR Request for information on Private Finance Initiative contracts let by the Department. Specifically:

Please can I request under the Freedom of Information Act the following information in relation to any Private Finance Initiative contracts ever struck by yourselves or your predecessor organisations?

1) For each contract, the projected total (whole life) cost of the scheme, in £, detailed when the scheme was first agreed (i.e. the original projected cost of all Unitary Charge Payments over the full life of the scheme).

2) The projected total (whole life) cost of the scheme, in £, as at August 1, 2019 (i.e. the real cost for previous years and projected cost for future years of all Unitary Charge Payments over the full life of the scheme).
If there is a difference between 1 and 2, please can you provide details of:-

  • The date(s) the projected costs changed; and
  • The reason(s) the projected costs changed

Please can I also request?
3) A copy of the original contract/agreement; and

4) An itemised list of any payments made to the PFI contractors for services not included in the original PFI deal, from the beginning of the deal to the current date, and to include exact details of what was being paid for.

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