DfI/2019-0225: EIR Request for information relating to the placement of double white centre lines along Dunluce Road, Portrush

Date published: 10 January 2020


DfI/2019-0225: EIR Request for information relating to the placement of double white centre lines along Dunluce Road, Portrush. Specifically:

I wish to:
(a) Request a copy of the complete file relating to the decision to place double white lines along the Dunluce Road, Portrush from its junction with the Ballybogey Road (to include all details of the alleged accident history at this junction);

(b) Request details of all other locations where double white lines have been installed and the relevant/comparable accident history for the last five years; and

(c) Request details of the regulations that define the distance from any such junctions that double white lines may be installed.

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