DfI/2019-0126: EIR Request for information regarding road surfaces at Orby Drive, Marina Park and Orby Grove, Castlereagh, Belfast

Date published: 27 September 2019


DfI/2019-0126: EIR Request for information regarding road surfaces at Orby Drive, Marina Park and Orby Grove, Castlereagh, Belfast.

The specific request is as follows:

Following a number of complaints from residents, I wish to raise my concerns regarding the condition of a number of roads in Orangefield, to include Marina Park, Orby Drive and Orby Grove.

As you will be aware, many of the roads in this area are concrete. The condition of the above named roads have begun to deteriorate following opening of service lines by external contractors, who have then filled it in with asphalt surfacing.

At the junction of Marina Park and Houston Park, the road surface has begun to sink. At the junction of Manna Grove and Orby Parade, the service line has become a trench and along Orby Drive, the speed humps have also begun to sink in.

In light of this, can you advise?

  1. When was the last time an inspection of this area was carried out?
  2. How many times in the past 12 months was permission given to service providers to carry out work in this area? How many times was the work inspected by the Department for Infrastructure following completion of works by external contractors?
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