DfI/2019-0115: EIR Request for information on the current deployment of LED street lighting in the BT17 area primarily around Stewartstown Road Lagmore Avenue, Mount Eagles and White Rise areas of the city

Date published: 27 September 2019


DfI/2019-0115: EIR Request for information on the current deployment of LED street lighting in the BT17 area primarily around Stewartstown Road Lagmore Avenue, Mount Eagles and White Rise areas of the city.

The specific request is as follows:

I am collating information on the current deployment of LED street lighting in the BT17 area primarily around Stewartstown Road Lagmore Avenue, Mount Eagles and White Rise areas of the city.

I have become aware of the gradual deployment of LED street lighting in these zones and the gradual phasing out of the more conventional Incandescent lighting, has the department plans to keep installing the LED units and totally phase out the incandescent units as Policy?

My concerns with LED used in the general population are predicated on EMF radiation emitted into the surrounding environment and the effects to biological life, also I am concerned on the effects these units may have on people who are EMF sensitive and may have existing neurological issues such as Epilepsy and Dementia.

  1. Can the department confirm if any of the newer LED have any blue light filters fitted?
  2. Can the department confirm these units are pulse modulated or phased array models?
  3. Can the department confirm if it has any plans to further modify the Lighting infrastructure to accommodate 5G antennas by adding these antennas to lamp posts and fittings in these areas?
  4. Can the department confirm that during daylight hours the Pulsing or phase array components of these devices are completely switched off, and that no or negligible amounts of EMF are being emitted?

Could the Department also confirm the following:-

  1. How can the general public access information on the Risk assessment data used to determine the exposure to any potential dangers in deploying these devices in the general environment?
  2. Can the department present or advise on the public liability insurance required to install, maintain and service LED lighting, i.e. if these units are deployed via contractors, do they require additional insurance to be certified, my research to date has failed to find any insurance broker or provider who will quote or insure LED devices used in Highways or Bye ways in the UK?
  3. I take it as a given the department will have only actioned the roll out of LED units after undertaking all the checks and balances required and will be cognisant of the duty of care to citizens living and working in these areas.
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