DfI/2019-0098: EIR Request for details of how decisions are made by the Department when there are requests from the public to install or enhance traffic calming measures on existing roads

Date published: 27 September 2019


DfI/2019-0098: EIR Request for details of how decisions are made by the Department when there are requests from the public to install or enhance traffic calming measures on existing roads. Specifically:

Details of how decisions are made by the Department when there are requests from the public to install or enhance traffic calming measures (such as speed restrictions, speed bumps, chicanes, road narrowing and curb extensions) on existing roads, the maintenance of which is the responsibility of the Department:

1)  the criteria used to decide on installation or non-installation;
2)  the weighting given to each criterion;
3  )the cumulative threshhold for introduction of traffic calming measures; and
4)  the grade at which decisions are made.

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