DfI/2019-0045: EIR Request for details of Penalty Charge Notices issued and numbers of Traffic Attendants active in Armagh in 2017-2018

Date published: 19 July 2019


DfI/2019-0045: EIR Request for details of Penalty Charge Notices issued and numbers of Traffic Attendants active in Armagh in 2017-2018. 

The specific request is as follows:

Details of Penalty Charge Notices issued and numbers of Traffic Attendants active in Armagh in 2017-2018, together with issues about the cost of PCNs and cashless parking payment, including:

1) The number of PCNs issued in Armagh and the contraventions these PCNs were issued for;

2) The reason for the deployment of any additional Traffic Attendants in Armagh City above the normal 2;

3) The outcome of the review of the 2012 PCN charge increase (to £90), indicated by the then Minister Mr Kennedy, including details of the contraventions; and

4) Mr Kennedy had indicated there would be a pilot of cashless payment for parking charges in Belfast, Londonderry, Newry and Omagh, using mobile phone technology. Following the pilot, it was to be extended to other towns, please confirm if it has been extended to include Armagh City.

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