DfI/2019-0036: EIR Request for information regarding parking enforcement agents, acting on behalf of the Department, parking on double yellow lines

Date published: 05 July 2019


DfI/2019-0036: EIR Request for information regarding parking enforcement agents, acting on behalf of the Department, parking on double yellow lines.

The specific request is as follows:

This is a request under the Freedom of information Act.

  1. Are traffic wardens/traffic enforcement officers allowed to park on a double yellow line? If yes under what circumstance;
  2. Can they park on a double yellow line where no other vehicles are parked and walk off and issue tickets to vehicles parked in a different area?
  3. Please bear in mind the emergency services are not allowed to park on double yellows unless it is an emergency.
  4. I have been told by a traffic warden/traffic enforcement officer they can park where they want is this true?

As per Q1 above but, in so doing, they must not be the primary cause of danger or obstruction.


  1. If a traffic wardens/traffic enforcement officer is parked on a double yellow line and issuing tickets in a different area do you think this is fair?
  2. If the answer is yes to any part of the above questions, please detail where the information can be found showing this in UK law allowing them to park on double yellow lines at any time.
  3. Double yellow lines are there for road safety and traffic management if a traffic wardens/traffic enforcement officers are parked on them they are in breach of the highway code No 238.

If the answer is yes to any part of the above questions, please detail where the information can be found showing this in UK law allowing them to park on double yellow lines at any time and under what circumstances.

I have read your own guidelines for Exemptions to Enforcement and traffic wardens/traffic enforcement officers are not exempt.

You may think No 3 covers them: 3. Council/Government Department in Pursuance of Statutory Duties. They are a private company NSL so not a Council/Government Department in Pursuance of Statutory Duties.

Double yellow lines apply “at any time” and do not require a time plate. ·Is loading/unloading permitted? YES. ·Are Blue Badge holders exempt? YES, for up to 3 hours plus a 10 minute grace period Exemptions to Enforcement: Vehicles are not permitted to park on yellow lines during the prescribed hours with the following exemptions: 1. Alighting 2. Blue Badge - Blue Badge holders may park for up to 3 hours on double or single yellow lines if correctly displaying a valid Blue Badge. 3. Council/Government Department in Pursuance of Statutory Duties 4. Emergency Services (Fire, Police, Ambulance, Customs) 5. Road Maintenance 6. Postal 7. Statutory Undertaking (NIE, Water, BT, etc.) 8. Loading/Unloading.

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