DfI/2019-0009: EIR Request for copies of information held, relating to the C539 Killeague Road, Garvagh (between the A29 Drumcroon Road and Kinnyglass Road) from 1 January 2011 to date

Date published: 28 May 2019


DfI/2019-0009: EIR Request for copies of information held, relating to the C539 Killeague Road, Garvagh (between the A29 Drumcroon Road and Kinnyglass Road) from 1 January 2011 to date.

The specific request is as follows:

I wish to make a request for Information under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

From 1st January 2011 until the date this request is actioned.
Killeague Road, C539, Garvagh, stretch between A29 Drumcroon Road and Kinnyglass Road.

I request copies of the following:

  1. All inspection records whatever its initiation, be it routine inspection, complaint, accident, staff initiation etc. Those being the records the Inspector would print and sign and that contain road names/stretches, defect locations, defect dimensions, special instructions etc.
  2. All Inspection records that contain additional information such as weather, road condition, time defect was recorded on the electronic device etc. I am led to believe this is a separate printout from the records requested above at 1.
  3. All Inspectors notebook entries, whether official or unofficial, that inspections may have been recorded on should their electronic devices not have been working on the day of any inspection.
  4. All complaints, enquiries received in relation to defects, concerns about the road. Made by anyone, i.e. member of the pubic, staff member, PSNI, local Councillor, etc. and by any method i.e. email, letter, phone call, etc.
  5. All Policies, Procedure, guidelines and interim updates relating to Inspections that have been published from 1st January 2011 until the date this request is actioned. I am aware that there have been quite a few due to budgeting restraints.

Please also include all emails sent to Section Engineers /Inspectors/Industrial PTOs responsible for the Killeague Road in relation to limited maintenance and their replies.

  1. All notifications raised during Inspections for referral to DFI staff i.e. PTO or to third parties such as Utilities, landowners, contractors, etc.
  2. The inspectors diary entry of 7th February 2018 in relation to a pothole complaint received, the issued and completed job card as completed by the Industrial Road Workers.
  3. The printout that details the entire list of defects recorded over a set period and their status, i.e. completed, withdrawn, not completed yet, etc.
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