Planning guidance from statutory consultees for planning officers
Links to planning guidance produced by Statutory Consultees for planning officers.
DfI Roads
DfI Rivers
- Revised Planning Policy Statement 15: Planning and Flood risk
- Flood Maps NI
- TGN 25 revised: The Practical Application of Strategic Planning Policy for Development in Proximity to Reservoirs
- Technical Flood Risk Guidance in relation to Allowances for Climate Change in Northern Ireland
Department for Communities (DfC) Historic Environment Division
- Historic Environment Division advice and guidance in the planning process
- Guidance on Setting and the Historic Environment
- Development and Archaeology: Guidance on Archaeological Works in the Planning Process
- Urgent Works Notices - A Good Practice for District Councils
- Building Preservation Notices - A Good Practice Guide for District Councils
- Historic Buildings of Local Importance - A guide to their identification and protection
Department for Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA)
Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI)
- HSENI Land use planning methodology
- COMAH sites
- Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations
- Mining and quarrying
Department for the Economy (DfE) Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI)
Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE)
Case officers can contact the Regional Place Shaping teams to discuss affordable housing need. Contact details are available on the NIHE website.