DfI Roads Health and Safety Manual 2012
DfI Roads are committed to the pursuit of good management practices in every aspect of its business and as such manages Health and Safety (H&S) with integrity and sincerity, integrating it fully into our strategic planning process.
The DfI Roads Health and Safety Manual has been divided into 5 categories. Each of these categories is listed below and associated documents are available on the accompanying publication pages.
A formal review of arrangements is carried out on a five year cycle. For guidance on revisions please e-mail Stephen.Tweed@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk.
The Health and Safety Policy Statement sets out a clear health and safety direction for the organisation to follow.
This category covers the responsibilities and relationships, the planning and implementing, measuring performance and the auditing and review of performance.
Planning and implementing arrangements
This category incorporates safe systems, risk assessments, control of hazardous substances/chemical safety and miscellaneous health and safety resources.
Measuring performance
This category measures incorporates the active and reactive monitoring, compliance inspections, checks and investigations.
Auditing and reviewing performance
This category provides the auditing and reviewing of the health and safety organisation and arrangements.