Technical Flood Risk Guidance in relation to Allowances for Climate Change in Northern Ireland

Date published: 25 February 2019

This Technical Flood Risk Guidance sets out DfI Roads & Rivers and NI Water’s approaches to allowing for Climate Change in the design of their respective road drainage, storm drainage and river infrastructure. The Guidance will also be of interest to those involved in managing flood risk in relation to development planning and management in Northern Ireland.

The Guidance consolidates and updates DfI’s guidance on allowances for Climate Change in the design of its infrastructure. It sets out DfI Roads & Rivers and NI Water’s approaches to Climate Change in relation to design of their respective road drainage, storm drainage and river infrastructure.  It also sets out DfI Rivers’ approach to Climate Change associated with rising sea levels and in relation to the management of flood risks.

The Guidance addresses the issue of a suitable future time period on which to base allowances for Climate Change for Development Planning and Flood Risk Management purposes. 2080s have been adopted in this respect.

The Guidance will be of interest to DfI Planning and Local Planning Authorities and others involved in development planning and development management because DfI Rivers will use 2080s Climate Change flood maps in providing the most up to date flood risk information in accordance with Planning policy. DfI Rivers periodically updates its predictive Flood Mapping to take account of new information.

It is recommended that Planning Authorities use 2080s Climate Change maps at development plan preparation stage and for development management purposes recognising that flood risk assessment is an ongoing process taking account of new and updated information as it becomes available.

Any queries on the Technical Flood Risk Guidance should be directed to and queries in respect of DfI Rivers advice on flood risk management should be directed to or by phone: 028 3839 9118.

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