£320,000 resurfacing scheme for A43 Cushendall Road, Ballymena

Date published: 17 July 2018


A £320,000 road resurfacing scheme on the A43 Cushendall Road, Ballymena will commence on Sunday 22 July.

Resurfacing work

The scheme, which starts at Broughshane Road and extends approximately 1.4km to Frys Road, will deliver significant improvements to both the structural integrity and surface of the road. Work is expected to be completed by 10 August 2018.

To facilitate resurfacing it will be necessary to operate full road closures each night on the following dates:

  • Sunday 22 July to Thursday 26 July from 7.00pm to 6.00am.
  • Sunday 5 August to Thursday 9 August from 7.00pm to 6.00am.

In addition there will also be an out of town lane closure from Broughshane Road to Frys Road from Monday 23 July at 6:00am until Friday 10 August at 6:00pm.

A one way traffic into town lane will operate during this period with the exception of the overnight closures.

Diversionary routes will be clearly signed and local access for residents will be maintained at all times during the works.

The Department has programmed the works and traffic management arrangements to minimise inconvenience, however, drivers should expect some delays and are advised to allow additional time when travelling in the area.

In order to help ensure the safety of road users and road workers the public is asked to comply with all temporary traffic restrictions and to drive with care when travelling through, or in the vicinity, of the works.

The dates and duration of the works will be dependent on the progress of the scheme and on favourable weather conditions.

For traffic information about this and other road schemes visit: www.trafficwatchni.com.


Notes to editors: 

  1. All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office on 028 9054 0007 or e-mail: press.office@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk. Out of hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07623 974 383 and your call will be returned.
  2. The Department may take photographs and videos at announcements and events to publicise its work. Photographs, interviews, videos or other recordings may be issued to media organisations for publicity purposes or used in promotional material, including in publications, newspapers, magazines, other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including social media and the internet). Photographs and videos will also be stored on the Department’s internal records management system. The Department will keep the photographs and recordings for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they have been obtained. The Department’s Privacy Policy is available on our website.  
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