Public information events on A6 Dungiven to Drumahoe Dualling Scheme

Date published: 22 June 2018

Earlier this year the Department for Infrastructure appointed a Sacyr, Wills Bros Ltd, Somague Joint Venture (SWS JV) to undertake the design and construction of the A6 Dungiven to Drumahoe Dualling scheme.

A6 Dualling Public Information event image

To keep local people informed about the forthcoming construction of the scheme, the Department, along with the contractor, are holding public information events on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th June.

These events will primarily focus on providing land and property owners, who are directly affected by the scheme, an opportunity to meet with the contractor and get information on the timing of construction works in the vicinity of their property. Other local people are also invited to these events if they wish to hear about our plans. A6 Dualling Public Information event image 2

The events will start at 12 noon and finish at 8.00 pm at the following venues:

  • Wednesday 27 June in Owenbeg GAA Club, 471 Foreglen Road, Dungiven, BT47 7PW
  • Thursday 28 June in The Belfray Country Inn, 171 Glenshane Road, Derry, BT47 3EN

Representatives from the Department for Infrastructure, SWS JV, and AECOM will be in attendance to answer any questions.

Notes to editors: 

All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office on 028 9054 0007 or email:  Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07623 974 383 and your call will be returned.

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