Fermanagh and Omagh District Council gets update on infrastructure projects for 2018/19

Date published: 18 June 2018

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council members have been updated on programmed infrastructure works for the area by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI).

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Speaking as he addressed Council members this evening, DfI Divisional Roads Manager Conor Loughrey said:

“Over the next year, the Fermanagh & Omagh District Council area will see the progression of a number of infrastructure projects including the Strathroy Link Road, the next phase of the advance works on the A509 at Derryhowlaght, a right turn lane on the A4 at Dolan’s Ring and visibility improvements at the B46 / Fingerpost Road Kilskeery and Glencam Road in Omagh. A new footway has also been provided at B4 Drumnakilly Road, Carrickmore, and a new shared footway / cycle path will be provided at Lough Yoan Road Enniskillen.

“The Department will also be completing a significant programme of resurfacing schemes across the district including: A32 Tummery Road, A4 Sligo Road (2 locations), A5 Great Northern Road, A505 Killyclogher Road, B127 New Bridge Road and B46 Moylagh Road.

“These projects will realise significant benefits for both the local community and commuters.”

Speaking on the impact of the harsh winter weather and budget allocation, Mr Loughrey said:

“It is clear that the recent severe winter has had a significant detrimental impact on the road network and the Department will continue to identify those roads most in need of repair and prioritise this work alongside other ongoing priorities.

“The 2018/2019 roads structural maintenance capital budget is £75m. Of that, £15m has been set aside for a roads recovery fund which is being used to address areas of immediate need across the road network. Almost 40,000 surface defects have been repaired in the last few months.”

He added:

“The ongoing maintenance programme will also include an improved grass cutting service to ensure all roadside verges and sightline grass will be cut at least twice in the period April to October; and a full weed spraying service.  This work has now commenced across the region.”

Concluding, Mr Loughrey said:

“It is also worth noting other projects in the area recently completed, including carriageway widening at Dublin Road Enniskillen and a shared footway cycle path at A4 Sligo Road Enniskillen. A range of other local traffic and safety measures have also already been delivered including an ongoing programme of street lighting renewal with LED lanterns.”

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