Hazzard - £190,000 resurfacing scheme on Chancellors Road, Newry

Date published: 13 December 2016

Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard has announced a £190,000 major carriageway resurfacing scheme on the C218 Chancellors Road, Newry.

Road resurfacing

The resurfacing works extend a distance of approximately 1.5 kilometres from its junction with the A25 Camlough Road to its junction with the Martins Lane.

Preparatory work has begun on the scheme which is expected to be completed in February 2017.    

The Minister said:

“Improving transport connections along roads while maintaining a network which is fit for purpose is a priority for the Executive. This scheme is one of a number to benefit from the £15 million of funding my Department received from the Executive’s First Step Stimulus package in October.         

“This significant investment of £190,000 in this particular scheme will greatly improve the strength and surface quality of this road, address ongoing maintenance problems and deliver benefits for the local community for many years to come.” 

To help minimise any inconvenience to the travelling public, local businesses and schools, the preparatory work on the carriageway and completion of the footway work is programmed to be completed using traffic control.

A four week long road closure however will be required to facilitate the final surfacing of the carriageway. The closure is scheduled to take place in late January 2017.

The above planned dates are subject to favourable weather conditions and TransportNI will keep the public informed of any change.

TransportNI has carefully programmed the works operations and traffic management arrangements in order to minimise any inconvenience to the public, however motorists should be aware that some delays may be expected and that additional time should be allowed when planning any journeys.

For more information about this and other improvement schemes visit: www.trafficwatchni.com/twni/.

Notes to editors: 

  1. All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office on 028 9054 0007. Out of hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07699 715440.
  2. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra

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