Investment of £6.7m in Lisburn and Castlereagh roads benefits local communities - Hazzard

Date published: 15 August 2016

Investment of £6.7 million in Lisburn and Castlereagh roads over the past year is bringing real benefits for local communities, says Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard.

Infrastructure Minister Hazzard

Confirming an investment of £6.7 million on road schemes in the Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council area during the 2015/16 financial year, Minister Hazzard said: 

“Improving transport connections along our key routes while ensuring the road network which is fit for purpose for all users, is a priority for the Executive.

“Investment of £6.7 million in Lisburn and Castlereagh over the past year, including the reconstruction of the A26 Glenavy Road at Ballinderry Road, realignment of the Ballinderry Road and resurfacing of the Laney Road, is making a real difference for local communities, improving road safety and reducing journey times for local people, as well ensuring the road network is maintained for the future.”

‘’I am also pleased to observe good progress is being made on construction of a new roundabout on the A24 Old Ballynahinch Road at Temple Crossroads, Lisburn.’’

“The additional £28 million announcement in June for my Department is a welcome boost and while it is necessary to prioritise activity, a significant part of this will be used to improve rural roads and roads maintenance.”

TransportNI Eastern Division Manager Kevin Monaghan attended today’s Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council meeting and highlighted a number of other improvement and maintenance schemes completed during 2015/16. 

He also clarified the current position in relation to grass cutting services saying: “To ensure public safety is not compromised, sightlines will be cut as required throughout the season. A second grass cut will be programmed across all areas. Many councils cut urban grass areas last year and I would welcome any further commitment to continue with this practice. Regrettably, the Department will not be able to fund Councils to cut grass for amenity purposes this year."

Notes to editors: 

1. The following schemes were completed in 2015/16:

  • A26 Glenavy Road at Ballinderry Road, junction reconstruction
  • carriageway resurfacing including Soldierstown Road, Moira Road, Windermere Road, Govenors Road and Lough Road
  • improvement of forward sight distance scheme at B6 Saintfield Road/ A49 Saintfield Road to improve safety for all users by providing greater visibility for motorists approaching the junction
  • new puffin crossing at Old Dundonald Road between Coronation Gardens and Quarry Lane
  • footway widening on Moira side of motorway bridge at Station Road Moira
  • a widening and bend improvement scheme on B2 Ballynahinch Road at No.159 to improve safety for all users

2. Media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure press office on 028 9054 0007. Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 076 9971 5440 and your call will be returned.

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