£300,000 Flood Alleviation Scheme for Clady Village

Date published: 11 November 2020

Work on a £300,000 Flood Alleviation Scheme on the Donnygowen Burn, Clady will commence on 16 November 2020.

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The scheme will replace the temporary flood defence with a permanent structure which consists of a new 65 metre piled flood wall and widening of the existing road bridge by 2 metres.

Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon said:

“I have seen the devastation flooding can cause homes and communities and the genuine concern this can cause each time bad weather is forecast. Once complete, this scheme will significantly reduce the risk of flooding to eight properties in the village. I hope that this brings these homeowners some comfort and reassurance.”

Once completed this will significantly reduce the risk of flooding to eight properties in the village.  

The works have been programmed to minimise any inconvenience to the public, however, road users should take care in the vicinity of the works and be aware of emerging construction traffic.

The scheme is expected to be completed by Spring 2021. All work will be carried out in line with current public health and health and safety advice, with safe systems of working in place for staff and contractors.

Notes to editors: 

  1. The temporary flood defence was erected by the Department following the December 2015 flooding event.
  2. All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office at: press.office@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk.
  3. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
  4. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra and on Facebook @DepartmentforInfrastructure.

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