£150,000 road improvement scheme at Killinchy Street, Comber

Date published: 07 November 2018

A £150,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme at A21 Killinchy Street, Comber is due to commence on Saturday 17 November 2018.

Footway resurfacing image

The resurfacing scheme will extend a distance of approximately 0.4 kilometres from the Killinchy Street roundabout to High Street. The scheme will deliver significant improvements to both the structural integrity and surface of the road.

Due to the nature of the work and in order to ensure the safety of road users and road workers it will be necessary to operate road closures as detailed below.

Killinchy Street will be closed to through traffic for road surfacing:

  • From 6.30 pm on Saturday 17 November 2018 to 6.00 am on Monday 19 November 2018.
  • From 6.30 pm on Saturday 24 November 2018 to 6:00 am on Monday 26 November 2018.

During the closure a diversion will be in place via Bridge Street, Newtownards Road, Copeland Link, Cherryvalley Line and vice versa.

From Monday to Friday, throughout the course of the scheme, a one-way traffic system will operate from Comber Square towards the Killinchy Street roundabout to facilitate the raising of metal work and a diversion will be in place via Cherryvalley Line, Copeland Link, Newtownards Road and Bridge Street.

The works operations and traffic management arrangements have been carefully programmed in order to minimise any inconvenience to the public, however motorists should be aware that some delays may be expected and that additional time should be allowed when planning any journeys.

While access to Comber town centre will be maintained at all times, motorists travelling onwards through Comber are advised to use the diversion route at the weekend to avoid delays.

Local access will be maintained and all diversions and restrictions will be clearly signposted.

Work is expected to be completed by 26 November 2018, however dates for the scheme are subject to favourable weather conditions and the Department will keep the public informed of any change.

For more information about this and other improvement schemes visit: Trafficwatchni.

Notes to editors: 

  1. All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office on 028 9054 0007 or email: press.office@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk. Out of office hours please contact the duty press officer on 028 9037 8110.
  2. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra and on Facebook @DepartmentforInfrastructure 

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