Mallon unveils revitalisation scheme in Adelaide Street

Date published: 21 March 2022

Work on a scheme to revitalise Adelaide Street in Belfast has now been substantially completed.

The pilot project was funded from Minister Mallon’s Blue/Green Infrastructure Fund and delivered in partnership with Belfast City Council. It forms part of wider plans to enhance city centre infrastructure post-Covid 19 and will contribute to the city’s shared agenda of placemaking through the development of a greener, more accessible, liveable and age friendly city. 

The scheme creates an improved pedestrian and active travel experience along Adelaide Street through the provision of additional space for walking, resting, play and outdoor dining. It includes solar lighting, shelter, bike parking and significant greening.

Unveiling the scheme Minister Mallon said:

“This scheme reflects a new way of living as we recover from the Covid 19 pandemic and importantly take steps to address the climate emergency.

“Outdoor public spaces make our city centre more attractive, transforming them into areas where we can take time to rest, eat and socialise with friends.  It can also help boost local business and tourism.

“We must also address our reliance on motor vehicles and with the addition of bike parking, I hope more people will consider more active and sustainable methods of travel into the city centre.

“As we move into the spring and summer months, I look forward to seeing this urban space put to good use by shoppers, workers, tourists and families.”

Belfast Lord Mayor, Councillor Kate Nicholl added:

“We’re delighted to have received funding and support from our partners the Department for Infrastructure to deliver this scheme. We’ve had input from people of all ages who live or work on this street, have a business here, or simply use it on their day-to-day journey through the city. The design references the rich heritage of the area through its materials, shapes and colours. For example, the lit lantern structures take their shape from machinery, looms and cutting patterns that would have been found in the linen warehouses, and if you look up underneath them you’ll see architectural details from the surrounding buildings reflected in their mirrors.

“Our Bolder Vision for Belfast is all about creating a greener, more accessible, liveable and age friendly city, and it’s our aim that this scheme on Adelaide Street will help to reduce car dominance, make the space more inviting and improve people’s experience when they’re walking and wheeling through the city, whilst retaining access for public transport.”

Some minor works will be carried out to complete the scheme in the coming weeks.  

Notes to editors: 

  1. The Minister is pictured at Adelaide Street, Belfast with Belfast Lord Mayor, Councillor Kate Nicholl
  2. All media queries should be directed to the Department for Infrastructure Press Office at:
  3. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.
  4. Follow the Department on Twitter @deptinfra and on Facebook @DepartmentforInfrastructure

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