Hazzard discusses flood mitigation and strategic road schemes with Fermanagh and Omagh Council Delegation

Date published: 04 August 2016

Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard confirmed the progression of five flood mitigation schemes over the coming months for Fermanagh.

Back from L-R: Councillors Mark Buchanan, David Mahon, Shaeamus Greene, John Coyle, Thomas O'Reilly, Minister Hazzard and Victor Warrington
Back from L-R: Councillors Mark Buchanan, David Mahon, Shaeamus Greene, John Coyle, Thomas O'Reilly, Minister Hazzard and Victor Warrington

This was one of a number of issues discussed today when the Minister had a constructive meeting with representatives from the Fermanagh and Omagh Council to discuss a range of flood mitigation and strategic road schemes in area.

The Minister said:

“Additional funding provided by the Executive to my Department will allow flood mitigation works to be carried out at a number of locations and priority has been given to those locations where the greatest benefit will be achieved.

“The extent of the work at each location will be dictated by factors such as ground condition and affordability and it is considered that the solutions being implemented provide value for money and allow works to be carried out at a number of key locations.”

The five flood mitigation schemes which will be progressed include three crossings of Upper Lough Erne which were closed following the severe rainfall last Autumn causing severe disruption to traffic which had to use lengthy diversion routes.

Minister Chris Hazzard also confirmed consultants have been appointed to take the Enniskillen Southern Bypass project to the next stage.

“This will lead to the publication of the draft statutory orders and Environmental Statement for the scheme being published in the spring of next year."

He also took the opportunity to provide an update on the Johnston Bridges scheme confirming the road would be open to two way traffic this weekend although traffic control would be required from time to time to allow further localised works to be carried out.

‘‘I am pleased that the road works associated with this necessary scheme has been substantially delivered in the three week timeline as planned.

“I would like to thank the various stakeholders including council representatives, the business community, contractors McCallan Brothers from Carrickmore and indeed my own staff for their input into the delivery of this difficult but necessary project.”

Notes to editors: 

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