Council receives an update on key infrastructure projects for Belfast City Council

Date published: 23 June 2021

Belfast City Council members have been updated by the Department for Infrastructure on road maintenance, improvement works and active travel schemes in 2020/21 and those planned for 2021/22.

Speaking as he addressed Council members Divisional Roads Manager, Mr Kevin Monaghan said: 

“The 2020/21 year was unprecedented due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However we worked closely with our contractors to develop new working practices to ensure that much needed road maintenance and improvement works could proceed and as a result most of our 2020/21 programme was successfully delivered despite the absence of work over the first part of the year.

“During the year a number of significant resurfacing schemes have been completed including A55 Parkway from Holywood Road to Belmont Rd, Ardenlee Street, Chesham Park, Ranleigh Street, Appleton Park, Lansdowne Park and Old Cavehill Road.

“Minister Mallon is committed to the delivery of active travel schemes across Northern Ireland and to making walking and cycling a safer and more attractive option for people getting around. I am therefore pleased that we have also delivered a number of active travel improvements in year including the completion of an upgrade to the A55 Knock Road / Glen Road signal / pedestrian crossing, temporary footway extensions (Adelaide Street, Linenhall Street, Bedford Street, Chichester Street) and pop up cycle lanes on Crumlin Road, Grosvenor Road, Bankmore Street / Dublin Road, Donegall Road.

“As a result of additional funding from the Minister’s Blue/Green Fund, we will be progressing a number of schemes in the 2021/22 year which will further enhance the active travel provision in the Belfast City Council area.

“Earlier in this financial year Minister Mallon announced the roll out of part time 20mph speed limit schemes at 103 schools across Northern Ireland and I am pleased to confirm that 17 schools across the Belfast Council area have already benefited from this programme. It is the Minister’s intention to take forward a further tranche of part-time 20mph speed limits at schools and all schools in the Belfast area will be assessed and prioritised to inform the 2021/22 programme.”

Continuing Mr Monaghan said:

“I am pleased to advise this year’s initial capital allocation has been increased and this has allowed an increase in funding for structural maintenance across Eastern Division in 2021 22 including within the ‘road recovery fund’.  This level of investment is very welcome as it moves towards the figures required annually to maintain the road network in a reasonable condition. Our main focus now is to seek to ensure that we have sufficient design and contracting resource available to deliver on this significant increase in capital funding. The Minister has also allocated funding to allow a full street lighting repair service for the entire year, which is to be welcomed.

“My staff will continue to develop local transport and safety schemes and maintenance programmes to enhance safety, improve traffic progression and provide measures for pedestrians and cyclists.”

Concluding Mr Monaghan said: 

“I would also finally like to highlight the Blacks Road / M1 Junction 3, Belfast. This scheme widened the Blacks Road to provide an additional left turn lane from Blacks Road onto Old Golf Course Road, including provision of a new footbridge over the railway line to the south of Blacks Road.”

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