Council gets update on infrastructure projects for Mid and East Antrim Borough - November 2018

Date published: 13 November 2018

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council members have been updated on programmed works on the road network by the Department for Infrastructure.

DfI latest news

Speaking as he addressed council members this evening, Divisional Roads Manager, David Porter said:

“As the result of the significantly increased capital allocation we have been able to deliver an enhanced level of resurfacing across the Division.  The completed resurfacing schemes include those at Springmount Road, Galgorm Road, Steeple Road at Kells and Cushendall Road.

“The Network Development, Minor Works scheme for the provision of a new footway at Rathkeel Road, Broughshane, outlined to Council in the Spring report, is now complete. This scheme, which included localised road resurfacing, also provided improvements for traffic emerging from Buckna Road onto Rathkeel Road, as well as street lighting improvements.

"A scheme at Fenaghy Road, Cullybackey commenced in mid-September 2018, to extend the existing footway from Cullybackey for approximately 400 metres towards the Galgorm Manor Resort and Spa.  This new footway scheme will also improve the forward visibility for road users on the Fenaghy Road.

“These projects will realise significant benefits for both the local community and commuters in Mid and East Antrim.”

Mr Porter continued: 

“The initial 2018/19 roads capital budget was £75 million, and of that, £15 million has been set aside for a Roads Recovery Fund.  This is being used to address areas of immediate need across the road network, including locations with significant numbers of potholes caused by the cold winter and those roads damaged by the prolonged hot weather in June and July.

“This funding has also enabled the Department to target a programme of resurfacing schemes across the area. These included works at Croft Road, Ballygally, Ballyvallagh Road and Ballypollard Road in Larne, Lisnamurrican Road, Cullybackey and Tullynamullan Road, Kells.

“This year our routine maintenance programme has included a grass cutting service to ensure all roadside verges and sightlines are cut at least twice in the period April to October, and a full weed spraying service has also been ongoing during the same period.” 

In relation to the salting of roads, Mr Porter added:

“The Department is planning to deliver a Winter Service, as in recent years.  Staff and equipment are ready to be deployed as and when required.” 

Mr Porter concluded:

“I am keen to continue to work with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council on the development of the road which will open up the St Patrick’s Barracks site, as well as a number of public realm schemes across the Borough.  I am particularly excited by the recent announcement about the Belfast Region City deal and, look forward to being involved with tourism led regeneration projects included in the bid.”

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