DfI Senior Civil Servants (SCS), Departmental Board and Sub-committee Members' Register of Interests

Register of Interests

DfI SCS, Departmental Board and Sub-committee Members - formally reviewed May 2024, with on-going updates as required.

Name Position Details / Circumstances
Denis McMahon Permanent Secretary
  • Administrative Data Research (ADR) UK Ambassador.
  • Open University - enrolled in a course (unpaid).
  • Lectures occasionally at the Ulster University on the Masters in Public Administration course (ad-hoc basis).
  • Former employee of SIB (2007-2009).
  • Has a SIP pension which contains index tracker shares.
  • Reviewer for research-impact funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
  • Family members employed in the NICS - notably a close relative who works in the Department for Infrastructure, no direct line management responsibilities for this person.
  • Family members operate a farm and therefore are likely to receive farm grants from DAERA.
  • Associate Member of the Institute of Directors.
Declan McGeown Deputy Secretary - Water and Departmental Delivery
  • Family member holds a Blue Badge under the scheme overseen by officials within Transport and Road Asset Management.
Colin Woods Deputy Secretary – Transport and Road Asset Management
  • Family member is a Project Manager with Amey Consulting which provides consulting services to the Department.
  • I and another family member hold Blue Badges under the scheme overseen by officials within Transport and Road Asset Management.
  • Family member is a Director of Disability Sports NI.
  • Family member is employed by Translink as a driver.
Julie Thompson Deputy Secretary – Climate, Planning and Public Transport
  • Family member is employed by Weev.ie Limited.
Patricia McIntyre Director of People Development
  • None

Karen Fullerton

Head Of Communications, Public Affairs and Engagement
  • Family member holds a Blue Badge
Moya Johnston Non-Executive Board Member
  • CFO in Bryson Charitable Group (BCG) which includes Bryson Recycling, Bryson Care and Bryson Energy.
  • Fellow Institute of Directors NI.
Frank Kirkland Non-Executive Board Member
  • Engineering Professor conducting research at Queens University Belfast.
  • Engineering consultancy advising various companies on aviation technology and propulsion.
  • Family member Works for Acom.
  • Fellow of Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Fellow of Royal Aeronautical Society.
Sian Kerr Director of Transport Planning and Policy
  • None
Kiera Lloyd Director of Corporate Strategy and Performance
  • None
Liam McEvoy Acting Director of Road Asset Development
  • Member of a Gaelic athletic club.
Susan Anderson Director of Finance
  • None
Donal Moran Director of Governance, EU, Facilities and Ministerial Support
  • Member of a number of sporting organisations including Gaelic, soccer and cycling bodies.
  • Family member is a member of a political party in the Republic of Ireland that operates in Northern Ireland.
Jackie Robinson Director of Public Transport Policy and Climate Change
  • None
Alison Clydesdale Director of Water & Drainage Policy
  • Member of the Energy Institute.
Simon Richardson Director of Living with Water and Power of Water
  • None
Karen Fullerton Head Of Communications, Public Affairs and Engagement
  • Family member holds a Blue Badge
Jonathan McKee Director of Rivers Development
  • Trustee of church.
  • Designated river runs through family member’s farm.
Colin Sykes Director of Road Asset Maintenance
  • NI Chair of the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy Planning & Transport (ADEPT)
  • Family members hold Blue Badges under the scheme overseen by officials within Transport and Road Asset Management.
Colin Hutchinson Director of Active Travel
  • Family member holds a Blue Badge under the scheme overseen by officials within Transport and Road Asset Management and a pedestrian zone access permit for Coleraine Town Centre.
Gary Quinn Acting Director of Rivers Operations
  • Family member owns a Jetty on Lough Neagh.
David Porter Director of Road Engineering and Services
  • Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vice President, Chair of the Learning Society Committee 
  • Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering.
  • Chair of the Board of Structural Safety Ltd (SSL).
Judith Andrews Director of Public Transport Operations
  • None
Alistair Beggs Director of Regional Planning Policy & Casework
  • On Board of Directors - Belfast Healthy Cities
  • Family member holds a blue badge.
Chris Hughes Director of Safe & Accessible Travel
  • None
Jeremy Logan Chief Executive of Driver Vehicle Agency
  • None
Kathryn McFerran Acting Director of Regional Planning Governance & Legislation
  • None
Jonathan Saulters Acting Director of Major Projects
  • None
Marta Gajewska DfI Board Apprentice 2023/24
  • Employed by Charles Brand Group Limited.
Marlene McIntyre NICS HR Senior Business Partner for DfI
  • None
Lisa Rocks (DoJ) Independent member of DARAC
  • Department of Justice NI employee.
  • Family member employed by NI Water.
Jason Foy Independent member of DARAC
  • Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs employee.
  • Family members operate a farm business.
  • Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
  • Secretary of a Cricket Club.
  • Hon. Secretary of the Select Vestry of a church.

*While not a statutory member of the DfI Board, Marlene McIntyre attends monthly meetings as the NICS HR Senior Business Partner for DfI

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