Proposed Traffic Calming Scheme - Donaghanie Road, Beragh, Omagh

Consultation opened on 21 December 2022. Closing date 23 January 2023.


Notice is hereby given that under Article 65 of the Roads (NI) Order 1993, that the Department for Infrastructure proposes to introduce road humps and other traffic calming works at B158 Donaghanie Road, Beragh, Omagh to control the speed of traffic.


Consultation description

The road humps will be constructed in accordance with the Road Humps Regulations (NI) 1999, other features will be constructed in accordance with the Traffic Calming Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995.

The scheme will consist of speed cushions, approximately 3.1 metres long, 1.9 metres wide and 75mm high, at the following location:

  • Approximately 17 metres north-west of its junction with C629 Dervaghroy Road
  • Approximately 92 metres south-east of its junction with C629 Dervaghroy Road.

Making an objection

Objections or other representations may be made in writing to the Department for Infrastructure, Roads, County Hall, Drumragh Avenue, Omagh, BT79 7AF, within the period stated above.

Inspecting the proposals

A map showing the road humps and other traffic calming works may be inspected free of charge during office hours at the above mentioned office by appointment only, email or telephone 028 8225 4085 to arrange.

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